This function implements the method by proposed by Wu and
Smyth (2012).
The original camera
method is a gene set
test, here is applied in the contest of a genetic screening
and so it erforms a competitive barcode set test.
The paper can be found here
number_barcode = 3,
thresh = 1e-04,
lfc = 1,
direction = "Down"
- screenR_Object
The ScreenR object obtained using the
- matrix_model
The matrix that will be used to perform the linear model analysis created using
- contrast
A vector or a single value indicating the index or the name of the column the model_matrix with which perform the analysis
- number_barcode
Number of barcode that as to be differentially expressed (DE)in order to consider the gene associated DE. Example a gene is associated with 10 shRNA we consider a gene DE if it has at least number_barcode = 5 shRNA DE.
- thresh
The threshold for the False Discovery Rate (FDR) that has to be used to select the statistically significant hits.
- lfc
The Log2FC threshold.
- direction
String containing the direction of the variation, "Down" for the down regulation "Up" for the up regulation.
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR"))
matrix <- model.matrix(~ slot(object, "groups"))
colnames(matrix) <- c("Control", "T1/T2", "Treated")
result <- find_camera_hit(
screenR_Object = object,
matrix_model = matrix, contrast = "Treated"
#> Warning: 3rows with all zero counts
#> Warning: Zero sample variances detected, have been offset away from zero
#> # A tibble: 6 × 5
#> Gene NGenes Direction PValue FDR
#> <chr> <dbl> <fct> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Gene_173 10 Down 0.0000286 0.0153
#> 2 Gene_15 10 Down 0.00371 0.372
#> 3 Gene_352 10 Down 0.00779 0.485
#> 4 Gene_121 10 Down 0.0111 0.533
#> 5 Gene_422 10 Down 0.0128 0.533
#> 6 Gene_377 10 Down 0.0129 0.533